Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Eating Habits

By Rashika Balasingam


Topic: Ministry Of Health

       Malaysia consists of many ethic groups, the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Eurasians, Punjabi, Baba Nyonya, Iban, Kadazan, Kelabit, and Bidayuh, are just some of them.
         There are just so much to choose from, whether traditional or modern cuisines, deem to satisfy the choosiest tastes buds. The main food in Malaysia is rice, just like the other Asian countries. Due to its sunny weather all year round, fruits and vegetables are in abundance while meat, poultry and seafood is inexpensive and readily available. Malaysian food, just like its people, is divided into Malay, Chinese and Indian and is still prepared by their own unique ways. Each of them has its own preferred flavours and reflected in the ingredients found in their individual cuisine.

           It is proven that Malaysians are eating way too much. One of the causes is because food is available 24 hours in every place such as Mac Donald’s and some other fast food restaurants which will lead to obesity. The National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS 2011) showed 2.6 million adults were obese, while more than 477,000 below 18 were overweight.  Parents work long hours and they don't keep an eye on what their children are eating. Children often bought candy or drinks with high sugar content after school. A big health issue related to the burgeoning obesity in the country is diabetes. The thing with diabetes is there are no symptoms. By the time a person realized he has it, it's too late.

            There was no shortcut to a healthy lifestyle. One should get their healthy diet tips on and start following it. Adding that it is important to eat meals on time. It is better to eat at home rather than eating out because eating at home enables us to control the amount of salt, sugar and oil usages. Skipping breakfast may also lead to obesity. Emotional eating, eating during other activities and also eating late at night should be reduced or prevent.
               In my opinion Malaysia should have health programs in every school to educate our generation on ways to overcome bad eating habits.

               As an advice, Malaysians can consult the professionals like health counselor to get tips on overcoming food disease and to follow healthy lifestyles indeed.  


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