Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Breast Cancer

By, Alagappan A/L Suppiah

Breast cancer is one of the most common form of cancer among women in Malaysia. About one out of nineteen women in this country are getting affected by this cancer, compared to one in eight of women in Europe and United States. Statistics show that this cancer is highly getting affected by the women in North Europe and North America and lowest in Asia and Africa.

How does this cancer occur ? Breast cancer occurs when the cells in milk producing glands and duct become abnormal and divide uncontrollably. Then, these abnormal cells will start to invade the tissues around the breast and spread eventually via the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes, brain, lungs and liver.

There are many risk factors of breast cancer but the exact cause is still unknown. Besides that, exposure to radiation, obesitity, late menopause and high consumption of fat in daily diet causes breast cancer. Exposure to oestrogen, including repoductive and hormonal factors also contribute to breast cancer. High consumption of alcohol and physical activity too causes this cancer. A study that was published in December 2011 shows that in the UK, about 27% of female breast cancer are caused by modifiable lifestyle and environmental factors.

Breast cancer can be detected when there are changes in skin and the changes in the nipple, become inverted. Lump is normally formed in the breast which is painless and grow slowly which may alter the size of the breast. There are many othe symptoms like bone pain, severe headache and chronic persistent cough.

There are options in treatment of breast cancer. Firstly, conservative in which the lump or a segment of the breast is removed. Secondly, mastectomy in which the whole breast is being removed. However, in both cases, the glands in the armpit need to be removed and checked for the presence of cancer cells. Radiotherapy is one of the best treatment to kill the cancer cells but it is done after mastectomy only if the breast tumour is extensive. Chemotherapy involves the usage of drugs given by injection. It treats the cancer by penetrating through the blood stream. There are many new treatments too like blocking the small molecules inside the cancer cell.

As a advice, public can consult with oncologist to prevent from getting serious rather than in early stage. Patients also can make changes in their lifestyle and diet. It is advisable to lead healthy lifestyle and follow a well-balanced diet.


Retrieved on October 22, from

Retrieved on October 22, from

Retrieved on October 22, from


  1. is there any side effects for that person after take any treatment???

    1. Yes, there are short and long term side effects. The short term side effects like mild pain, tiredness, swollen, skin peels further and some hair may lose at the arm area. Long term side effects like shrinkage of breast and removal of large number of lymph nodes from the underarm area during breast surgery. Radiation therapy during breast cancer also causes the other cells to die.

  2. Good choice of topic which is related to current issue. Ladies should be more aware of any changes and abnormalities formed in their body to detect cancer in a very early stage. They should refer to any specialist to diagnose their health condition before things becomes worst. Always remember that prevention is better than cure.

    1. Yes, you are really true because breast cancer becoming worst among ladies in Malaysia compared to other cancers. They should follow more preventing steps to avoid this disease from attacking. For instance, avoid becoming overweight because obesity increases the risk of breast cancer after menopause. Ladies also have to follow healthy diet and reduce fatty foods. Women also need to avoid hormone replacement therapy like menopausal hormone therapy because it raises the risk of getting breast cancer.

  3. Yes I agree with ur post. women should always maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent the breast cancer. Bt i have a question that can breast cancer being inherited? Next, can breast cancer happen on male?

  4. Good work on the research. This advices women to take precaution of their health and their diet.
    By Prassitdha A/P Jeya Sangar

  5. first of all good pick of title. with the disease which is getting increasing day by day.you have done a good work on your research. i think womans,girls of all ages should be aware of what type of disease they might be facing in future. and you have come up with a clear statement of the breast cancer disease. a job well done. hope the ladies will be more precocious after reading this info on breast cancer.
