Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Strength of Malaysians !

Strength of Malaysians !
By Jasvin Kaur a/p Satwant Singh
Topic: Ministry of International Trade and Industry

  When someone mentions Malaysia, the first thing comes into our mind, has always been our multi race citizens. Be it a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Punjabi, or Christian we all have one thing in common. We are Malaysians. Being one of the smallest country around the global but yet successful enough has definitely increase the pride of being a Malaysian.

 But today, an issue I would highlight as the Minister of International Trade and Industry is the issue of Malaysia's ranking on the World Economy Forum (WEF ). WEF is an independent international organization. This organization is to put in trust or charge in order for improving the stage of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.


 The Global Competitiveness Index 2013- 2014 ranking has recently published out their rankings. Out of 148 countries in the world participated on this WEF, Malaysia has been one of them. Proudly yet being in a small country but with unlimited nation's effort, Malaysia has been able to maintain an improvement in this ranking. Malaysia is at the ranking of 24 out of 148. Based on 2012-2013 statistics, Malaysia has been able to show improvement in it. Last year statistics showed that Malaysia was at position 25.

This clearly states that our country, Malaysia the unity race country has shown much improvement in economic category.

Malaysia, is in the second ranked among the ASEAN countries. My question is, with many opportunities,why second placing not first ? With the accommodation that Malaysia has compare to other countries, we deserve being in the top rank.
 Basically the only reason that we got a slip of the top ranking is because of a little lack of nation's trust in the government. The nation should gather together, discuss around, sharing suggestion with each another. This shall not in anyway affect the economy of Malaysia. One of the income on Malaysia's economy is by income tax which is a huge problem among Malaysian these days. 

Thus, this clearly states that a little cooperation on Malaysian citizen would not only increase the economy rank but would definitely achieve wonders. So, lets actually forget everything else, be a true Malaysian, target for Malaysia's best results which will one day make our self willingly say, " I am a Malaysia".

  1. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/CSI/2012-13/GCR_Rankings_2012-13.pdf
  2. http://www.weforum.org/


  1. good job in your research


  2. Very true.Malaysia as a multiracial country definitely would be able to achieve the first ranked in the World Economy Forum if all Malaysian rest their trust on the government and provide support altogether.

    1. Yes. That is true. Thanks. So lets take a step ahead and trust in our government :)

  3. To tell the truth, you are right. In order to become the most competitive country on the world, all the Malaysians have to give confidence to our government. Not only that, the Malaysia government also has to solve to economy issues which still haven't be solved nowadays. And I would like to correct a small mistake you made, ”Malaysia is at the ranking of 24 out of 148” the ranking is supposed to be 25 if according to the diagram that you provided, hence there is no any improvement on the ranking compared to last year. :-)

    1. Hi Toh Ler Kang. Firstly, thank you for the effort you made in reading through my article. Come back to your argument, if you're nit aware, the picture that i've published is for the ranking of 2011- 2012. Thats when Malaysia was on the 25th position and based on this year statistics, Malaysia has defi itely mae improvement to 24th placing. A little extra more effort of all Malaysians will definitely results success at the end of the day. Thank you Toh Ler Kang. Have a good day ahead.

  4. I totally agree with you. And good job on your research.
    By Prassitdha A/P Jeya Sangar
