Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wages To Be Increased!!!

By Prassitdha A/P Jeya Sangar
Topic : Ministry of Human Resources

Wages To Be Increased!!!
            The Ministry of Human Resources is to be the leading agency in the development and management of a World Class Worforce. The ministry is meant to develop a workforce that is productive, informative, discipline, caring and responsive to the changing labor environment towards increasing the economic growth and hence create more job opportunities.
            Undeniably, there are Malaysians who live below the poverty line of income level (PLI) as many workers earn wages less than RM750 per month. It is noted that the average wages for five manufacturing subsectors i.e. Electric and Electronics, Furniture, Plastics, Gloves and Textiles was Rm626.76 per month for basic wages and RM762.20 per month for gross wages including fixed allowances.
            These lower income groups, especially in urban areas, are facing hard times to make their ends meet due to ever-increasing cost of living, particularly on the back price of hike in daily necessities. The minimum wage regulation should be at least able to lessen the severity of their hardships.

FOMCA had done a survey on how a salaried man could survive life with his wife and four kids in the city with just RM3,000

            If your salary is RM3000, you are considered a low income earner nowadays as it couldn’t get you a lifestyle but juast living modestly with no luxuries, entertainment, holiday n etc. Unless you are single and not thinking of marriage, then RM3000 is more than enough.
            Some quarters argue that the setting up of the national minimum wage would lead to negative consequences as it could distort market forces. Moreover, the minimum wage coud also cause job losses in lower occupation categories where demands still exist for vulnerable groups especially in rural areas. This in turn could result in higher unemployment rate for the country.
            Therefore, since the national minimum wage could not be set up, an increment in salary would help workers to enhance their lifestyle and have some entertainment. An increment of about 5-10% might be able to help the workers a little. The increment of salary might be increased in the following years. The workers would be able to live a better lifestyle and would be able to develop themselves to achieve in life. Furthermore, this would also encourage them to have passion towards their job. Parents would be able to give their kids a better life and education for a brighter future.


  1. I agree with your suggestion that workers salary should be increased to enhance a better lifestyle.Thus,workers would be able to live a better lifestyle and will be more passion towards their job.

    1. Thank you. Yes, they could have a better lifestyle if their salary is increased, especially married people.
      By Prassitdha A/P Jeya Sangar

  2. You have done a good research on this topic. It's quite interesting. Basically your article was clear and sharp

  3. True.Workers salary indeed should be increased as it will give them a good lifestyle.Therefore, providing better future for the upcoming generations.Hence, bringing the development of Malaysia itself to its international success.

    1. Yes. Once the salaries are increased, they wouldn't be complaining about their jobs and most importantly they wouldn't go and settle in overseas where they will be paid higher salary. This will help in the development of Malaysia where our young generations would not go to overseas and will serve our country.
      By Prassithd A/P Jeya Sangar

  4. This is a very good article as salaries are currently a serious issue and as the prices of daily need's are increasing. Therefore, an increase in salary is much appreciated for a moderate lifestyle. Well done..
