Wednesday, October 23, 2013

EDUCATION FOR ALL ...(Free education in Malaysia)

By : Sugannia Devi d/o Subrahmaniam

Title : Ministry Education

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a up of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. Knowledge that brings you respect and dignity. Knowledge needs to be free for all those who deserve it, and what a person deserves should be decided by an individual capability and intelligence and not by wealth.

Providing free education would enable students to concentrate on learning and gaining more through the education, instead of struggling with the payment of tuition fees and meeting other expenses. When the focus shifts to learning it leads to empowerment of the youth to work towards an increasingly intellectual society.

Free education would lead to more educated people. More educated people in the society leads to overall improvement in the quality of life in the society. Through better employment and elimination of the struggle for basic needs, people would concentrate on the higher aspects of life, such as improving administration and management of issues that impact the society in general. Therefore free education would have a very positive impact on the overall quality and thinking in the society better goverments.

More educated people would mean better governance from the grassroots to the national level. Educated people would make better choices in electing their representatives and are better equipped to question corruption and misuse of power. Therefore, education is not only the remedy for the ills of unequal wealth, but also the remedy for the ills that plague our administration and governments. By making education free, we prod our society towards the path of better governance.Intelligence and talent are not the forte of the wealthy alone. There is lot of untapped and undiscovered talent and intelligence lying covered under impoverishment and destitution. Free education opens the doors of opportunities to these talented people. Through free education, we can ensure that the talented and intelligent can gain the assurance of a better tomorrow through maximizing their academic potentials.

Free education would be beneficial to those who deserve it, as well as, to the society as a whole. Where everybody is talking about equal and better opportunities, the prospects of a better future should not be lost due to lack of equal opportunities for education



  1. I agree with the concept of free education because I find many people whose talent and intelligence are left undiscovered only due to lack of opportunity.If opportunities are not given to the right one,what more can one expect,dreaming of getting a golden chance will remain as a dream only.

  2. I agree with your suggestion. Education is definitely one of the most debated issue in this country. Free education for all allows all students to exploit their talents and poverty will not be in the way.

  3. Education is strongly the only assured way to an assured life.The need for it is very strong but the opportunities is very lacking as the politicians in this country are the only hope for us to get this chance,but they seem to be focusing more on changing the country's infrastructure rather than the education structure.

  4. Education is the key for success and i strongly agree that education should be free so that the poor society in Malaysia are able to receive knowledge as well and create a better living. This, in return, will decrease the poverty in Malaysia.

  5. I totally agree with your suggestion with free education.Free tertiary education should be for those whose parents earn a low income. Free tertiary education is possible if government cut down on "unproductive" spending like BR1M, free tyres, RM100 for school children, petrol subsidy, and divert the money to tertiary education.

  6. I agree with your opinion on free education.The low income families are able to send their children to gain basic education, this will help the families attain proper and basic education. Free education will also create the interest amongst children, the urge to learn and attain more education and in order to be successful later on in life. This will also act as a boost in confidence and the desire of learning something new.

  7. I agree with your opinion regarding free education. It will definitely help the poor to enhance themselves with a better future. But I think that not all should be given free education service because if everybody have got free education, the economy of out government will be reduced and this will cause tax to increase. I think giving out more scholarship for student who deserve it will be much better as they will do their part more efficiently. Anyways, all your point stated are also the right facts to be viewed.

  8. I agree with suggestion your that education should be free. So the poor society can also learn and create a better future for them thus increasing the intellectual rate in our country.

  9. I strongly support your opinion on giving free education to everyone.this is because everyone has the rights to gain knowledge, no matter from which family background they belongs to. We are all civilized homo sapiens and constantly in learning process.So free education would be a huge impact in building a better future in life.I support free education.

  10. I agree, education is a ammunition for a bright future.Every individual has their rights for free education.The government should allocate more funds for higher education which should be given to those underprivileged.Free education will encourage more people to continue their higher studies. - Villasini a/p Rajamany

  11. I strongly affirm on your topic on free education for all.Education has to be given free to all the younger generations of our country from students who are studying in primary level till tertiary level.What I would like to suggest is the goverment should enforce the ministry of education to give free subsidies to all the students that consist of primary level till tertiary level in Malaysia.Well i really like your article.It's a well chosen topic for the welfare of our students in Malaysia.
